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Event Planning in Cabo

Event Planning in Cabo

If there's one thing the good people of Cabo know how to do it's party. However, there is a reason why "event planner" repeatedly lands a spot on the list of most stressful jobs in the world.

Even in paradise, event planning is just plain stressful.

Fear not, we've got you covered.

We have put together our list of simple tips to help make your next event I hit without the headache.

Read on before planning your next Cabo event.

Location, Location, Location

There's no shortage of beautiful locations here in Cabo, so how do you choose?

The short answer is: know your audience.

Consider what size and amenities would be most useful to your guests and try to find venues that fit the bill without breaking your budget.

If you want something that is particularly glamorous but don't have the cash to shell out on a high-end venue, try to schedule your event closer to low season when venue rates tend to be on the lower side.

Be sure to choose a venue that offers clean bathroom options, easy parking, and access for handicap and disable to 10 days.

Always Rent

Many individuals are surprised to find that they can rent all the tables, chairs, and extra details they need at a fraction of the cost of what it would be to buy.

Seriously, we mean you can literally rent everything you need for the price of one folding table at Costco.

This is also a great way to try out different products at each event to see what type of furniture you would like to invest in in the future.

Finding the Right Music

Music definitely has a way to set the tone for the great event. Fortunately, we now have sites like Cabo Music Events that make it easy to find local talent at a great price.

Make the Memories Last

You don't want to rely on drunken selfies and mistaken hashtags for gorgeous photos of your event.

It's wise to hire a professional photographer to capture the perfect candid shots of your events. Check out photographers like somewhere over the border for Instagram worthy photos that will give everyone some serious FIFO.

Who Needs to Cook?

Another major benefit of living in Cabo? The countless catering options to choose from.

You can choose to go high-end by having one of the many local favorites cater your event, or simply rent out your favorite local hot dog or taco stand to provide food for the day.

With so many options, there really is a catering choice for any size budget.

Me Time

After all that planning, you’re going to want to be able to kick back and relax with the rest of your guests.

Take the time to schedule a massage, a facial, and even treat yourself to getting your hair done so you go to your event looking like the star that you are.

Promote Like a Pro

Now that you have all of the pieces for the perfect event, it's time to get your invitations out into the public eye.

Check out our marketing section for special offers to promote your next event and get the best turn out yet.

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What to Know Before Moving to Cabo

Where to Eat in Cabo: Casual Restaurants

Where to Eat in Cabo: Casual Restaurants