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3 Ways You Can Improve Any Relationship

3 Ways You Can Improve Any Relationship

Wendy & Rebecca in the early 90's

Growing up my sister and I were exact opposites in every way. We didn't connect on a majority of things, which made it difficult to even have a relationship past just being sisters. As people get older, we change and with the everyday obstacles that life brings our way. We mature through these changes and become more understanding and accepting of one another. Through this transition I've realized that one thing has not changed and that's that my sister will always be my sister. 

It hasn't always been easy but my sister and I have been committed to improving our relationship. It takes work on both ends.

3 Simple Ways To Improve Any Relationship

1. Understand & Accept Each Others Differences

Treat others with the same degree of respect as you would like to be treated yourself. This saying has always been words that I live by and have stuck with me as I have matured in life. We are all different and live separate lives but understanding and accepting those differences will lead to your own happiness.

Do: Take an interest in your loved ones activities. I remember my sister was super passionate about hot yoga so I went to a class with her. I about died doing it but we still laugh about it to this day. I learned it wasn't for me but my sister was excited I tried it.

2. Support One Another (No Matter What)

With age I've realized how important a friendship with my sister is. We've all had friends come and go but a sister is a forever friend. At some of my most difficult times in life when I felt like I had no one to talk to, it was my sister that opened her door for a shoulder I could cry on or was at the other end of that phone call. She was my support when I needed it most. She was my friend. We all have ups and downs in our life but it's who you share those moments with that builds a strong support system.

Do: Be a good listener. Sometimes we only want someone to listen. Once I was going through a break up and needed a place to escape to. My sister opened up her home and we cracked open a bottle of wine. She was there to listen to me when all I wanted was to vent. I wasn't ready for any advice just yet.

3. Continue To Work On Your Relationship

We all have busy lives and it is easy to lose contact with one another. My siblings and I live separate lives but make an effort to stay connected. We are very lucky to have a father that distilled family time and the importance of staying connected. Every Sunday, my siblings and I get together for dinner with our father. Because of this, we continue to build our relationships with one another.

Do: Find the time to stay connected. It may just be a phone call once a week. Whatever it may be, it will develop a stronger relationship between you and your loved ones.

I've lived by those 3 tips as I've gotten older and have matured. These words have played a huge part of the progress it has made on the relationship I have with my sister today and forever. She is truly my best friend and I am thankful for her. We've come a long way and we will continue to grow as not only sisters but now friends.

What tips do you have for improving a rough relationship?

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