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How to Stay Healthy in Los Cabos

Our new normal is changing daily and it’s imperative that we stay on top of best practice health choices. We’ll share information and ideas on how to stay healthy during these trying times. Whether you contract the COVID-19 or not, you have the ability to keep your immune system functioning properly. Your immune system is what will save you from this, not excess amounts of toilet paper.

What should I consume?

“Let your food by your medicine and your medicine be your food”. Our intake is what controls our immune response. Even if you weren’t a healthy eater in the past, don’t worry. Healthier choices start to take effect immediately.

We know that while preparing for unknown time in quarantine, we must stock up on dry goods. Food that ‘sticks to your ribs’. Think beans, rice, pasta, peanut butter, potatoes, olives, sweet potatoes, nuts, quinoa, fermented foods and canned goods. All of these foods have a long shelf life and will help keep you nourished. However until the actual quarantine, you need to be boosting your immune system with fresh fruit and veggies.

Vitamin intake is crucial right now. Leafy greens, broccoli, guayaba, oranges, asparagus, bananas, berries, any and all colors of the rainbow are going to be beneficial. Roots to keep on hand are ginger, radishes, garlic and turmeric. Raw local honey is easy to find and is a strong antiviral. If you have Manuka, even better. I prefer the Wedderspoon brand and it should be over K Factor 16.

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar can be purchased at GNC outside of Walmart and sometimes at California Ranch Market and Santa Carmela. Among other benefits, Apple Cider Vinegar balances blood sugar, alkalizes the body, promotes good gut bacteria, detoxes and fights colds. I drink a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a large glass of water with lime. Make sure to dilute, if you drink it straight it can damage the enamel of your teeth.

Vitamins and Immune Support

Now is a good time to use quality supplements. On just a quick recommendation I would say Vit C, B and D. Try liquid Vitamin A as well. It’s always important to take magnesium and CBD daily, not just during a pandemic. Lipsomal glutathione is important right now as well. Generally I like Thorne brand and also Dr Mercola. Do not purchase Dr Mercola Vitamin D3 though as it is Cholecalciferol, which is quite literally rat poison.

Make sure you are buying a quality brand, and reading labels. If this seems impossible for you, don’t worry, we can help. TIP - you wont find quality brands at Costco, Walmart or GNC!

The best source of Vit D is the SUN which we in Baja have in abundance. Go out for 20 minutes when the sun is the highest. Do not wear sunblock or a hat. Just soak it up. This should be done daily anyways but especially during immune boosting. Note that a wide expanse of empty beach is about as far away from your neighbors as you can get. If you have a boat, board or kayak, you can distance yourself even more, while soaking up the Vitamin D and Sea.

Consume kombucha or kefir instead of soda or juice (unless it is fresh squeezed). Water intake should be upped. The 2 liters a day I see recommended here is not enough. If you have alkaline or mineralized water, do half and half fresh water.

Essential oils are incredibly successful in keeping your home and body clean and healthy. OnGuard (Thieves if you prefer YL) is essential for keeping germs away. If you can’t get ahold of either of these blends, make your own using Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Lemon. This can be diffused, used topically or a drop under the tongue if you are using DT or YL only. There are plenty of DT and YL distributors in Los Cabos, let me know if you need an introduction.

Loose tea - the natural health stores carry Eucalyptus, Sage, Thyme and other loose leaf teas. Boil in water with ginger, turmeric and cinnamon sticks. Add a splash of ACV and squeeze a lime in. Add a drop of honey if you need it sweetened and enjoy. I also saw some pre packaged tea at Chedraui in the veggie section. One is called ‘anti flu’ and has Gordolobo, red bugamvilia and other good stuff.

What should I NOT Consume?

Processed pre-packaged food. Save all of your packaged junk food for when we are actually quarantined. If you need to satisfy that sweet tooth, stick to freshly baked goodies, preferably made that day. This at least eliminates the preservatives as bakery’s and donut shops expect you to eat them the same or next day.

I’m sorry to say that alcohol is a no no right now. Alcohol can cause inflammation and sometime mucus production - neither of which are key to boosting immune systems. I’ll still have my single glass of red before bed, but at least I’ve made an informed decision.

Avoid any chemicals. Yes, this includes your precious Lysol and hand sanitizer. They are incredibly toxic and actually increase the chances of you getting sick. Don’t worry, you can make your own. Use Onguard or tea tree oil to replace chemical ‘cleansers’. You can use fresh aloe or oil (coconut, jojoba, avocado, etc) as a base. Don’t even use bleach on the floors. Replace Pinol, Fabuloso and all chemicals with vinegar, citrus and oil blends.

Avoid acid forming habits such as smoking, vaping and any other tobacco intake. Don’t quit cold turkey though as this is not a good time to self detox.

Additional Recommendations

  • Alkalize the body. Use alkaline water, fermented foods and chlorophyll to keep your pH balanced. Steer away from acid forming food and habits.

  • Try to have daily bowel movements to keep your system free from toxins. Papaya seeds, fresh coconut water, prunes and linaza can help.

  • Detoxing is not recommended right now as it initially lowers your immune system. You can drink Apple Cider Vinegar or cut back on tobacco and alcohol but I wouldn’t recommend heavy metal detox at this time.

  • Avoid ibuprofen and tylenol both. Ibuprofen is said to be making Corona Virus patients worse. I have found sources in the medical field both claiming this is true and false. Until we have concrete information, I would avoid. Tylenol lowers Glutathione levels which are 100% necessary for preventing damage caused by free radicals, heavy metals and peroxides. Instead of pain killers, try CBD and turmeric to reduce inflammation and get rid of pain naturally.

Controversial treatments

Normally Elderberry is my go to for viral infections. I have read a few Doctors reports about Elderberry actually making Corona Virus more potent. It has to do with elderberry raising the level of cytokines which can contribute to the cytokine storm that appears to be a potentially fatal effect of the virus. To be safe, I would avoid Elderberry until we can be sure the science is correct. It’s hard to know who to believe and I wouldn’t want to risk it. Other strong antiVirals are - Chinese Skullcap, Ginger, Houttuynia, Isatis, Licorice, Lomatium, Astragalus, Cordyceps and Rhodiola.


You don’t have to go to the gym or jog the marina to stay fit. Use youtube videos, mat work and body weight to tone. It is very important to physical, mental and emotional health to keep moving. Walk around your yard or balcony. Do sit ups and push ups while you binge watch Netflix. Paddle out if you feel it’s ok to do so.

I’m going to stop there as to not overwhelm you. We actually have many more remedies in mind, so please, reach out if you need help with a recommendation or where to purchase anything listed above. Here at Local Baja we are here to support your daily life in Baja. Usually that means celebrating your ups, but during this time we’d like to support you even if you’re feeling down.

Take this time to rest, read, work out, garden, sunbathe, meditate… all the things you never have time for. Count this as a blessing, breathe and relax.