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Local Baja Turns 1!

Happy Anniversary to Local Baja! I can't believe it's been a year since I first hit 'publish' and started this community website. If I'm being completely honest, prior to Local Baja, I had never built a website or even a blog before. Everything was uncharted territory and I've learned so much in the first year!

Here's a quick recap:

1. The Los Cabos community is as strong as ever!

Despite Cabo growing at an amazing pace, there is still an amazing sense of strong community wherever you go. It's crazy that even though I work from home and don't venture out as often as I should, I am always running into someone I know. It's so much different from my time spent in the states. I love watching how everyone is here to support each other and there's no shortage of great advice!

2.  My goals for the 1st year were a bit lofty.

I had big plans for Local Baja but I didn't hit every milestone that I wanted. Let's face it, life got in the way, and I spent a lot of time focusing on growing other's businesses. I wasn't able to devote all the time I wanted to Local Baja but that's about to change! My goal for this next year is to continue to provide great, timely information that really helps not only the locals, but the soon-to-be locals and even the tourists! I have a lot of great ideas that I can't wait to share with you!

3. I need YOU and the Los Cabos community!

This is no way I can do this without the Los Cabos community's help! I'm looking to you, yes YOU, to help provide compelling, helpful, and even funny content that helps our community flourish. We're all in this together and we all have different perspectives, so let's continue to grow Local Baja as a one-stop-shop for living life, Baja-style.

4. I've gotten to work with some amazing local busineses!

I recently launched Local Baja Business Services so that I can help local business owners grow their businesses. This past year I've gotten to work very closely with Faryn Clark at Eclectic Array, Cabo's newest and most-adored boutique. Through my time supporting the boutique, I've gotten to truly understand tourism in Cabo, how Faryn's mission supports artisans throughout Mexico, and I've made many new friends. 

I've also been super excited to have worked with Jeremy and Alma Hass, with their ground-breaking new business, The Drip Spa! I had so much fun building their website and creating some graphics that I'm sure will help get customers in their freshly opened doors. I also know more about IV Drip Therapy than I ever thought I would!

If you think your business could benefit from my help, feel free to send me an email to Wendy@localbaja.com or check out our Business Services page.

This first year has been nothing short of amazing! I've gotten to connect with so many of you on deeper levels all because of a shared love of Los Cabos. I am really excited for what services I can provide and how I can take Local Baja to the next level.

I won't bore you with some random survey, but I will kindly ask that if you have an idea or even a story to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I love finding out about the latest events, hearing your funny stories, and reading about your tips on how to make life in Cabo a little easier.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support of Local Baja. I look forward to one day, being Cabo's go-to for all things Baja.

Tell us: What more would you like to see from Local Baja?